Home Decor: Art Makes A Room Feel Finished
A Blank Canvas
When an artist looks at a blank space upon which something beautiful and meaningful will be created there are questions: What kind of perspective will be used? What colors? Where will the focal point be? What story will be told? What feelings am I going to express in this artwork?
An Interior Decorator will ask you these questions, and more. What will each room say about you, your personality and interests in life? What kind of atmosphere do you want to create? Your home is a blank canvas to an Interior Decorator. You might be adding an artwork to an existing room that has colors and other significant elements already decided. Keep a few questions home decor specialists ask in mind when you search for a painting for your home, office or business.
Interior decoration is an art form. Professional Interior Decorators use color, light, form and perspective cohesively with the architecture, furniture, lighting fixtures, windows, doorways, textures and space available to create an emotional response. You can consider these elements, too, when looking for an artist whose painting says something you want to express in your home.