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  • July 22, 2015
  • Osnat Tzadok

Modern Art Decor for Your Home

Do you know how to properly decorate the rooms in your home? Are you aware of all the different types of things that go into making your home appealing to the eye? If your answer is no, then keep reading to uncover everything you may need to know in order to have the best décor in your home.

There's not much better than bringing guests into your home and having them "Oooh!" and "Ahhhh!" at just how beautifully put together your home is. There are a lot of things that go into making a home seem comforting and special.

The Wall Décor

It's no secret that wall décor is one of the most important things when it comes to decorating your home. Walking into a house with barren walls rarely leaves you feeling cozy. But how do you know what to put on your walls? First, you'll want to choose a type of theme. Now, this doesn't mean you need to have all butterfly prints or anything, but make sure the items you get all mesh well together. Next, you should have décor that matches your individual style. If your friends and family are walking into your home and are surprised by what they see, something is wrong. Modern homes tend to have a mixture of paintings, family photographs, and other wall decorations hanging up throughout the house.

The Furniture

The walls are not the only thing people notice when walking into your home. The furniture you have also makes a huge impression on any guests. Nobody wants to walk into a home and not have anywhere appealing and comfortable to sit down. Modern furniture is usually something that can easily be modified to fit your needs. For example: couches tend to be a solid color that fits well with your room colors, but you can add or remove throw pillows if you ever decide to change up the colors in your home, which brings me to my next point.

The Colors

Nothing will tell you more about a person than the colors in their home. Plain white walls are always boring no matter how many wall decorations you have, but too much color can be exhausting to the eye. It's always a good idea to have some contrast as well. For example: if you want some charcoal grey walls, make sure you have a lighter color to play opposite it so the room doesn't look so gloomy.

Tying it All Together

No matter what paintings you hang, what furniture you have displayed, or what color your walls are, if you don't tie everything together, nothing works. By this I mean that modern décor all blends well with each other. The style of the paintings goes well with your other decorations and your furniture ties in well with both the colors you choose and all other décor. And finally, the mood has to float throughout your home. Not everything has to match, but you always want to keep a similar ambiance all through your home to keep it balanced.

No matter the type of house you reside in, these tips will guide you to decorating your home perfectly!

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