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  • July 29, 2015
  • Osnat Tzadok

Designing for Proper Room Balance

So, you just bought a new house and you're looking to decorate it. But how would you go about making sure your home is designed for proper room balance?

This may not be the easiest part of decorating your new home, but it can be the most fun. Looking back, you'll be able to appreciate how well-balanced and comfortable your new home is. Symmetry is not the only factor involved with designing for proper room balance. There are many other aspects aside from that.

The Colors

When designing your new home, the most important thing to start with is the colors throughout. There is a standard rule when it comes to color design and that is the rule of three. Three is the maximum number of colors you want to have in one room - two rooms if they're connected (the living room and kitchen). Any more and you run the risk of it seeming off balance and overwhelming. Three is also a very round number when it comes to colors because it keeps the eye moving around the room. If you have any less it could be seen as boring if you don't have colorful accessories, which brings me to my next point!

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The Accessories

Nothing can make a home seem more off-balance than poor placing and design of the accessories. This includes things such as couches, chairs, tables, entertainment centers, wall décor, and more. When choosing certain accessories to put in your home, you'll want to think about how well they will match and fit in the room you are placing them.

You wouldn't want to have a really large couch in a really small living room, and you wouldn't want a really tiny couch in such a large living room. Placement is also important. Make sure that your room is symmetrical, or tastefully asymmetrical. The key to balance is to scale your accessories to the room and to make sure they match the colors chosen for the room.

This means choosing colors that match the 3 already in the room. But you will also want to avoid having all of your accessories match each other. Don't choose a rug that is the same color as your couches and don't choose wall décor that is the same as each of those. You want to have a mixture of colors throughout your furniture for proper balance.

Balancing the Whole House

You don't only need to balance the objects within a room, but your whole house as well. To balance your home throughout you'll have to make sure that the style and theme stays the same - aside from your kids' bedrooms, because we all know they won't stay the same. What I mean by this is using a traveling color. If you use one color that is the same throughout your whole house, it will create an illusion that everything is connected even when you leave the room. These colors tend to be neutral tones that carry well, such as white, beige, cream, light gray, and many more.

Balancing your home can be a tough project, but with all of the tips above, your home will be looking well-balanced, even, and comfortable for everyone who comes through your front door!

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