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  • September 19, 2015
  • Osnat Tzadok

Embellished Prints on Canvas: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know

When choosing to decorate your home, do you include embellished canvases? If not, then you are missing out! Embellished canvases can add that something special to any room. It's simple, elegant, tasteful, and definitely something you should have in your home.

What are embellished canvases?

Embellishing a canvas is something that many artists do. It involves a special kind of technique that artists use to add detail to a painting. It's where they leave extra paint on it that pops off the canvas. This provides the piece of art with texture and can really add to the deeper meaning of the painting. You can view my collection of embellished prints of landscape, abstract and other modern styles.

Why are embellished prints on canvas better than regular prints?

This questions can be answered a number of different ways. For starters, if you're looking for a painting that has that extra something, then what you're really looking for is an embellished print. When your prints are embellished, they stand out and have so much more detail than any other kinds of painting. They are better simply because it adds to the complexity of the piece and people will certainly notice it! A seemingly flat piece of art can come alive with the right embellishment.

The Process of Embellishing on Canvas

This process can seem extensive at times, but true artists have their own processes and ways of embellishing their pieces. Although they may differ in technique, the process is generally the same in each piece. The embellishing of a printed artwork can start after the print is stretched over a wooden frame. The artist waits until larger areas of embellishment is done and then continues with the embellishment of smaller details. Basically, the embellishment process can be done with different palette knives. The shape of each palette knife can help in creating a different effect on the canvas. Narrow palette knives help in creating lines while wider knives are used for wider areas that need emphasis and texture.

The Types of Paints Used to Embellish

The types of paints used to embellish are different sometimes. Typically, the paints used to embellish are thicker and can add depth and maximum detail. These include paints like specialized acrylics and oil paints. However, oil paints tend to drip more than acrylic and they also take a lot longer to dry. Acrylic paints work a lot better because they are a lot thicker, tend to mesh better with the original paint, and look better overall. Many people use a gloss gel medium and mix it in with the acrylic paint to better match the sheen that the original painting gives off.

Should you have embellished prints in your home?

The answer is quite simple: YES! These beautiful pieces of art can add so much more to a room than just a regular painting. They are more detailed and hold a deeper meaning than the regular ones. If you are someone who enjoys fine art, then you must have an embellished piece in your home there's no doubt about it!

Embellished prints on canvas are something special that everyone should not only know about, but have in their home. They will give your home decor that added value that so many houses are missing.

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